On Osprey Time

On Osprey Time header.sm

2022 Table of Contents
2021 Table of Contents
2020 Table of Contents
2019 Table of Contents
#250: The Osprey Season Winds Down
#249: All Those Geese!

#248: Ospreys Proliferate on Seneca Lake!

#247: Look at Who's Nest-Visiting

#246: Verbal Communication in Ospreys

#245: Visual Communication in Ospreys

#244: Field Identification of Individual Ospreys

#243: What Really Went On This Season, part 2

#242: What Really Went On This Season, part 1
#241: Power Outages and Lost Nests
#240: Refurbishing the Salt Point Nest

#239: Nest Failure

#238: Ophelia on Osprey Time

#237: The Quiet Time -- Incubation
#236: The Amazing Egg
#235: In a Cloud of Swallows

#234: Calamity at the Nest
#233: The Art of Copulation

#232: Intruders Attack the Nest!
#231: Saga of the Nest Cameras
#230: The Fine Art of Preening

#229: Not in the Mood

#228: Ophelia Returns: the Lovebirds Reunite

#227: Orpheus: The Builder

#226: Finally, A Salt Point Nest Cam
#225: Orpheus Arrives

2018 Table of
#224: Climate Change: Turkeys at Risk
#223: How Will Climate Change Affect Ospreys and Our Local Birds?

#222: How Does Climate Change Affect Birds?

#221: The Big Sit: Pack Monadnock Raptor Observatory

#220: Identifying Hawks

#219: Hawk Watching at Hawk Mountain

#218: Hawk Watches
#217: Riding Thermals

#216: Dangers All Along the Way

#215: Godspeed
#214: Zugunruhe

#213: What to Do if a Wild Animal is Hurt

#212: Seafaring Stow-aways 
#211: A Sad Day at the Myers Hill Nest

#210: Self-sufficient, Almost

#209: Fish Facts

#208: Grooming

#207: Motivating Teens
#206: Ospreyitis

#205: How to Catch a Fish!

#204: Hazards Posed by Utility Lines

#203: Nest-switching

#202: Teenagers

#201: Fish Fights: Skirmishes on the Nest
#200: Just Ducky
#199: Introductory Fishing!
#198: Ospreys Return to Seneca Lake!

#197: What Happened at Treman Marina?

#196: Ospreys, Ospreys, Everywhere!
#195: Post-Fledgling Behavior II

#194: Post-Fledgling Behavior I

#193: How Many Ducklings?
#192: Please Don't Rescue Me!

#191: Up, Up, and Away!

#190: Almost Airborne...
#189: Thank You!
#188: Awkward Fledges
#187: It's a Confidence Game

#186: The Life of Ms. Kazoo

#185: Salt Point is Accessible for All!
#184: Casting a Wide Shadow
#183: Re-Nesting
#182: Terror in the Night Sky

#181: Growing Older, Stronger, Wiser
#180: The Singular Beauty of Ospreys in B&W

#179: Who are these Plucky Intruders?

#178: Through the Lens
#177: Who is the Better Angler, the Osprey or Bald Eagle? Part II
#176: Who is the Better Angler, the Osprey or Bald Eagle? Part I
#175: Sigmoidal Growth

#174: Born to Fish
#173: Buzzing

#172: Birth Order Blues

#171: First Glimpse

#170: Happy Graduation!

#169: The Fox, the Bunny, and the Eagle

#168: Hatch Days
#167: Hatching, Part II
#166: Hatching, Part I
#165: The Physics of Doggie-Shakes
#164: The Fog Lifts
#163: Differences Between Bald Eagle and Osprey Nests II

#162: Differences Between Bald Eagle and Osprey Nests I
#161: Never a Dull Moment
#160: Irksome Intruders

#159: Earth's 24-hour Clock
#158: Main Squeeze

#157: Breeding Phenology
#156: Ospreys, Up Close and Personal
#155: Snow Day
#154: The Magic of Spring
#153: What do "Nestorations" Communicate?
#152: Orpheus on Duty

#151: Background: Prelude to Nesting, Part II

#150: Background Prelude to Nesting, Part I
#149: Harbingers of Spring

2016 Table of Contents
#148: Wind, Rain, and Chaos
#147: Dangers Await

#146: Hazards Facing Vulnerable Young Osprey

#145: On the Road Again

#144: Minks, Shy or Sly
#143: Quest for Independence

#142: Osprey Adoption

#141: Osprey Rehabilitation

#140: Freedom of the Skies

#139: Molting: Out with the Old, In with the New
#138: Up, Up and Away

#137: Rapid Changes and Catching-up
#136: Kismet
#135: Oh, Feathers, Part II: Preening

#134: Oh, Feathers, Part I

#133: Fourth of July

#132: Why Do Birds Sing? Part II

#131: Why Do Birds Sing? Part I
#130: The Feather Game, Cont.
#129: The Feather Game

#128: Jack's Beanstalk
#127: The Osprey Meets His Kill
#126: A Duet of Ospreys
#125: Grow'in Like Teenagers

#124: White Water

#123: The Avian Mob

#122: Growing by Leaps and Bounds
#121Good News Comes in Threes
#120: Simplicity
#119: Growth
#118: Nine Benches
#117: Bad Things Happen
#116: The Difference a Week Makes
#115: Salt Point Welcomes a New Generation
#114: Eyes on the Prize
#113: The Second Wave
#112: Back in the Saddle Again, Part II

#111: Musical Chairs
#110: Back in the Saddle Again, Part 1

#109: On their Way Home

2015 Table of Contents 
#108: Ospreys vs. Great Blue Herons
#107 Visitors from Near and Far, Part II
#106: Cold Weather Birds
#105: How Do Birds Survive the Cold?
#104: Osprey Numbers
#103: Visitors from Near and Far
#102: Predators and Threats
#101: Hawk Watching
#100: Sitting by Skyways
#99: Breeding Ain’t Easy
#98: The Resurgence of Ospreys in the Cayuga Lake Basin
#97: Bon Voyage
#96: Why Migrate?
#95: Blowing in the Wind
#94: The Fishing Life
#93: Ospreys Around the World
#92: Ospreys as Neighbors
#91: Zugunruhe
#90:  End of the Summer
#89:  Norse Gods and Goddesses
#88: Released to the Wild
#87: Celebrating Summer: At the Salt Point Natural Area  Part 2
#86: Celebrating Summer: At the Salt Point Natural Area
#85: When will they ever learn?
#84: From Feathered to Flying
#83: First Flights
#82: First People Legends of Ospreys or Fish-Hawks
#81: Feed Me!
#80: Bang, Bang!
#79: Survival is a Game of Chance
#78: Hey, You, Get Off of My Cloud! *
#77: The Salt Point Class of 2015
#76: Sharing the Shoreline—Great-blue Herons and Ospreys
#75:  Week Two: The Dinosaur Days
#74: Their First Week
#73: Little Ones at Salt Point
#72: Death of the Monarch Butterfly?
#71: Osprey Circle of Life
#70: The Quiet before Dawn
#69: Two Nests, Two Females, and Two-timing
#68: If you build it … , they will come, Part B
#67: If you build it ... , they will come, Part A
#66: Another week or Two of Waiting
#65: Fishing Cayuga
#64: In Memoriam, Bill
#63: Luciano in the Skies with Diamonds
#62: Trash to Treasures
#61: Love is in the Air
#60: In the Fog
#59: Early Days at the Nest

#58: Return of the Ospreys

2014 Table of Contents

Blogs 1- 57

#1 Returning Home
#2 Courting
#3 Nesting
#4 Remarkable Hunters
#5 Laying Eggs
#6 Predators
#7 Intruders at the Nest
#8 A Housing Shortage
#9 A Long Incubation
#10 Order of Hatching: Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Hatching
#11 Happy Birthday!
#12 Mutualism
#13 Hatchlings
#14 First Weeks
#15 Fishing
#16 Community Care
#17 Mombrella
#18 On Osprey Time
#19 Feathers
#20 Ospreys Overhead
#21 Birds & Dinosaurs
#22 Hunters and Warrior Poets
#23 Fireworks
#24 The Storm
#25 Big Foot
#26 Big Babies
#27 Flight School Begins
#28 Appetites
#29 Lake Ecology and Fish Movements
#30 Fledgling
#31 Cicada Song
#32 Getting Air
#33 How Osprey Fly, Part I
#34 How Ospreys Fly, Part II
#35 Birds Are a Miracle
#36 Flying Jewels of Salt Point
#37 Hope Is the Thing with Feathers
#38 Around the Lake
#39 Neighborly Ospreys and Great- Blue Herons
#40 Mid-August at Salt Point
#41 Ospreys Speak
#42 Ophelia
#43 Ophelia, Part 2
#44 Teenage Behavior
#45 Meet Me at Salt Point
#46 Flying Fish
#47 Goodbye Ophelia
#48 Monarch Waystation
#49 Summer Turns to Autumn

#50 Salt Point Adventure Day: Monarchs and Ospreys
#51 Hidden Dangers in the Osprey Nest
#52 Bye Bye Birdies: Fall Migration Part 1
#53 Fall Migration Part 2
#54 Fall Migration Continued: Endings and Beginnings
#55 Watching Osprey Migrating at Hawk Mountain, Kempton, PA
#56 Osprey Spectacle in the Connecticut River Estuary
#57 Wired Up and Winging Down the Flyway

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