Pavilion Rental

The Town of Lansing has seven pavilions available for rental at Myers Park.  A covered barbecue area is available at the park.

Reservations are on a first come, first served basis.Please note there is a price differnece for a Lansing Resident and Non-Lansing Resident. To make reservations go to:

Click Thumbnails for Larger View


Thumbnail. Web Pavilion A
Size 40'x30'
Capacity - 150
Rental - $55/$60
Thumbnail 1. Web thumbail 2. Web Pavilion B
Size 50'x36'
Capacity - 200
Rental - $75/$80
Thumbnail Pavilion C
Size 40'x34'
Capacity - 150
Rental - $55/$60
 Pav D. Thumbnail 1 pav D Thumbnail 2 Pavilion D
Size 48'x36'
Capacity - 200
Rental - $75/$80
Pav E Thumbnail Pavilion E
Size 36'x28'
Capacity - 100
Rental - $55/$60
Pav F Thumbnail Pavilion F
Size 36'x28'
Capacity - 100
Rental - $55/$60
Pav. G Thumbnail Pavilion G
Size 36'x28'
Capacity - 100
Rental - $55/$60

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